
If developer cannot connect to MQTT services, Webhook (custom callback URL) isn an alternative to connect and receive real-time data push.

The feature of Webhook is to transmit sensor data and event messages through HTTP POST command to designated URL (server) in real-time. For data security, please use HTTPS URL。

1. Server Configuration

Log into IoT cloud platform,access developer page - push message settings,fill in the developer Webhook address: the URL must support “Post” request because the data is requested through “Post” method.

In the website of the cloud platform, find advanced settings - developer, get your AppID, AppKey and AppSecret.

  • AppID as unique application identifier
  • AppKey as message encryption and decryption key
  • AppSecret message signature key

Developer can select message encryption and decryption modes:

  • Plain text mode
  • Safe mode

Mode selection and server configuration will take effect immediately, hence please make your selection and fill out the information with caution. Default encryption and decryption is in “plain text mode”; you are advised to configure the decryption code before selecting “safe mode” encryption.

2. Sensor Data Push

When end-device uploads data packet to the cloud, SENSORO server sends JSON data packet through “POST” request to developer's pre-filled Webhook address.

Standard device has only one sensor, therefore, pushed data packet contains only one type of sensor data. The following “POST” examples provide references of all types of sensor data.

Push request instructions

HTTP request mode: POST

Sample parameters request
Request: {
    appId: '123456',
    sn: '0117C9XXXX',
    type: 'text', // Message type, text Common message
    deviceType: 'node',
    createdTime: '',
    msgId: '', //Message id
    data: { // Proclaimed writing
        battery: Int, 
        interval: Int,
        temperature: float,
        light: float,
        humidity: float,
        magnetic: { // Geomagnetic
            x: float,
            y: float,
            z: float
        lonlat: [lon, lat],
        accelerometer: { //Accelerometer
            x: float,
            y: float,
            z: float
        gyro: { // Gyroscope
            x: float,
            y: float,
            z: float
        customer:  String// User defined sensor data
    encryptData: '' // Encryption cipher security mode     
Parameter description
Parameter YES/NO Type Sample value Description
appId String Application unique identifier
sn String End-device identifier
type String text Common message
deviceType String text Device type
createdTime Timestamp Message timestamp
msgId Number Message Id
data Object Message content
interval × Number Upload interval
battery × Number battery
temperature × float Temperature sensor data
light × float Light sensor data
ch4 × Number CH4 sensor data
pm2_5 × Number PM2.5 sensor data
leak × Bool Leak sensor data
smoke × Number Smoke sensor data
magnetic × Object {x: float, y: float, z: float} data of terrestrial magnetism sensor
lonlat × Array [lon, lat] GPS longitude and latitude sensor data
accelerometer × Object {x: float, y: float, z: float} Triaxial accelerometer sensor data
gyro × Object {x: float, y: float, z: float} Gyroscope sensor data
customer × String 'customer string' Customise sensor data
Return parameters
Parameter description
Parameter YES/NO Type Sample value Description
messages × String 'success' Return paremeter,empty string is acceptable.

3. Task Event

When a task is assigned to modify “end-device” upload interval, there will be an event message when the task is completed.

Push request instructions

HTTP Request mode: POST

Sample request parameters
Request: {
    appId: '123456',            
    taskId: 123,
    type: 'event', //event: Event message
    createdTime: Timestamp,
    msgId: '', //Message id
        resultCode: 0, //0 Success,1,Fail
        resultData: {}   
    encryptData: '' 
Parameter description
Parameter YES/NO Type Sample value Instruction
appId String Application unique identifier
taskId String Task Id
type String event Event return message
createdTime Timestamp Message timestamp
msgId Number Message Id
resultCode Number 0 Result, 0 Success, 1 Fail
resultData × Object Task return message details
Example of return parameters
Parameter description
Parameter Must of must not Type Sample value Instruction
messages × String 'success' Return parameter, allow empty return string

4. Response

When the developer's server receives the request, please respond with 2xx HTTP status code. If other HTTP status code is received, SENSORO will re-push three times and will not push again if these three attempts fail.

5. Verify if the message is from SENSORO

In order to verify the legitimacy, developer can verify the message body of the request and decrype the verified message body.

Message body signature is explained with details in “API authentication” - Message signature.

6. Push message encryption

When selecting safe mode, message encryption and decryption are both required when developer receives message and event notification (some events need to be responded, and this has to be encryped in advanced, too). However, of you call interfaces through API (modify configuration of end devices and transmit data to end devices), encryption is not required.

Message encryption is explained with details in “API authentication”- Message encryption.

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